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Protocol based, personalised

It is important for a patient undergoing a treatment for a complex, complicated ailment or a rare disease to be concerned about what the future holds. There are concerns about the prognosis, side effects, recurrence, aggravation and control. He/She needs to know which doctor will follow Him/Her, how often to see the doctor for follow-up appointments, and what tests He/She should have. Understanding what to expect can help patients and their loved ones plan for follow-up care, make lifestyle changes, and make important health-related decisions.

Follow-up care involves regular medical check-ups that include a review of a symptoms and a physical exam. Follow-up care may include imaging procedures other lab tests. It is important because it helps to identify changes in health. Follow-up care is also important to help in the prevention or early detection of other comorbidities, address ongoing problems due to medication side effects, and check for physical and psychosocial effects that may develop months to years after the initial diagnosis and treatment ends.

During every followup we check for;

  • Any symptoms that the patient may be a sign that their ailment is not under control or has returned.
  • Any pain that bothers them.
  • Any physical problems that interfere with daily life or are bothersome, such as fatigue; difficulty with bladder, bowel, or sexual function; difficulty concentrating; memory changes; trouble sleeping; and weight gain or loss.
  • Any medicines, vitamins, or herbs they are taking and any other treatments they are using.
  • Any emotional problems they are experiencing, such as anxiety or depression.
  • Any changes in their family medical history.

The frequency and nature of follow-up care is personalised, based on the type of ailment, the type of treatment received, and the person's overall health, including possible treatment-related problems. Every ailment is followed up based on a personalised protocol.

Other services that may be helpful not just during treatment but also as part of follow-up care include support groups, couples counselling, genetic counselling, fertility/sexual counselling, home care services, nutrition counselling, physical therapy, pain management, and occupational or vocational therapy.