Email already exist
Is my symptom serious? Should I see a physician?
Which physician? Which specialist?
What is this test for? Is it necessary
Is my diagnosis right? Am I misdiagnosed?
Why me? What caused this?
Side effects of this drug in the short term / long term?
Do I need a Surgery?
What are my treatment options?
Is it going to come back? Or worsen?
Will I pass this on to my children? Will it effect my lineage?
What is the likely outcome of treatment?
What precautions do I need to take?
How does this effect my relationships, finances and lifestyle?
What does this mean to my life? Longevity? Quality of life?
Leads to delay and harm in diagnosis & treatments. Increases readmission and suffering.
Causes anxiety & stress. 95% patients expect a clear explanation from their physician
Increased costs on healthcare spending
79% more tests, 41% more medications, 74% more referrals, 51% more invasive procedures when not necessary
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