Your Treating Physician takes care of the delivery of care and the cure guided by experts. He / She is the first person you go to when you have a question or when you face a health difficulty. He / She is the one who does your physical checks, monitors your progress, watches over your symptoms, recommends the diagnostic procedures and helps you in identifying global experts. He/She helps you understand what is happening currently and regularly keeps you updated about your treatments. Your treating physician is the crucial link between you and the experts. He/She will work with you to ensure that the expert's insights that you receive are both understandable and actionable.
Our treating physicians are located close to you and medically qualified and experienced to handle your case. It is possible to bring your own family physician, who you trust into this network.
Physicians verified for Qualification & Certification
Physicians are located close to you and accessible
Tech savvy and respond to your questions and concerns online
Treating physicians physically examine you, update records & recommend diagnostic procedures
Video consulting with you and your family members. Participate in expert consulting along with you
Provide just in time support to physician regarding patient specific issues, identifying international experts and clinical trial opportunities.