Many time-strapped doctors today typically spend 10 to 15 minutes or less with each patient - not because they don't care, but simply because there is not enough time in the day to meet demand for in-depth, more detail-oriented care.
Health-care system is greatly fragmented with growing number of sub specialty areas where physicians practice. Resulting in delay or misread tests, miscommunication of findings or order the wrong tests.
"Diagnostic Error: is Overconfidence the Problem?"- Dr. Eta S. Berner & Dr. Mark L. Graber. Once doctors have made up their mind about a patient's condition, and once a diagnosis has been reached the patient is sent down a treatment path, it's very, very hard to step off that path.
Take the time to provide your detailed medical history - and make sure your doctor knows about it. Help your physician put together all of the pieces.
Be curious, and insistent. Learn about your illness, tests or procedures. Search for the latest and reliable information. Check our physician authored wiki and learning resources
Online health communities provide emotional support through other members, help achieve health-related goals, motivate and advice about your condition and address your concern.
A good, ethical doctor won't be upset by your desire for additional medical opinions. Getting to experts with your treating physician is crucial. Our experts are more than willing to work with you and your treating physician.